Le monde en tête
Antoine de Galbert ethnic headdresses donation


Over some thirty years, Antoine de Galbert assembled a collection of more than five hundred headdresses from all four corners of the globe. In 2017 he donated the collection to the Musée des Confluences in Lyon. The fabulous diversity of these crowns, bonnets, hats, helmets and other headgear is proof of a simple fact: humanity covers its head. Their astonishing, not to say spectacular shapes and forms are presented in this extensively illustrated catalogue which examines both their nature and the status of the individuals who wear them.

Co-edition musée des Confluences and Le Seuil
Authors: Aline Vidal, Antoine de Galbert, Hélène Lafont-Couturier, Bernard Formoso, Julien Bondaz, Christian Coiffier, Bernard Prévost, Marie Perrier, Léonid Velarde, Daria Cevoli, Deirdre Emmons, Pascale Dollfus, Marie-Paule Imberti, Lucille Michaux, Maïnig Le Bacquer, Camille Senepin, Denis Buffenoir
Published in 2019
French edition
24 x 28.5 cm
332 pages, 700 illustrations
ISBN: 978-2-02-141439-4