Paz Errázuriz
Histoires inachevées
This first monograph in French retraces over forty years of work by Paz Errázuriz, a major figure in Chilean photography. From the very first series produced in the 1970s to the most recent and unpublished, such as Ñuble, Próceres and Sepur Zarco, Paz Errázuriz’s images bear witness to a feminist and social commitment. Paz Errázuriz’s work focuses on the invisible, on those who live on the margins, and resonates all the more strongly today as it echoes the upheavals of today’s society. Her long-term work has enabled her to forge strong relationships with her models, as men and women proudly pose, sometimes surrendering themselves and giving access to a part of their intimacy.
The book accompanies the artist’s first solo exhibition in a Paris institution, at the Maison de l’Amérique latine, curated by Béatrice Andrieux.
Coedition Atelier EXB and Maison de l’Amérique Latine (with the support of Fondation Antoine de Galbert)
Texts by Béatrice Andrieux, Marie Perennès, Paz Errázuriz
Published in September 2023
French edition
17 x 24 cm
176 pages, 137 photographies
ISBN: 978-2-36511-375-5