SOLDES almanach #7
Out of print
Reactivation of a cult art and essay magazine from the 1980s in the form of a large-format underground almanac of drawings, images and texts, Soldes, the “magazine of labouring philosophers and handyman intellectuals”, gives a voice to the wise and the mad. In its seventh issue, the review deepens its questioning of the living, with Donna Haraway, Bruno Latour, Vinciane Despret, Paul B. Presciado, Achille Mbembe, Charles Stepanoff, Gary Panter…
In 2010, on the initiative of Marc Borgers, the association Art Kiosque in Paris and 5C éditions in Brussels reissued Soldes in the form of an almanac, a “pop et intello” arts, sciences and society magazine (joyfully mixing humour, comics, visual arts, philosophy and realistic utopias), published annually in a king-size format. Soldes, as a collective, favours the subjective and explores the diverse. Not an art magazine, but rather “made like a work of art”. To bloom once a year with many pages. To get closer to the subjects in order to compare them; to decompartmentalise, to create links, to enter into the subjects intimately. Take the public as a potential reader and not as an idiot lost in the big supermarket. Rediscovering paper at a time when all the screen formats are invading us.
Edited by Marc Borgers and Philippe Lardy (with the support of Fondation Antoine de Galbert)
With Véronique Bergen, Marc Borgers, Antoine Boute, Leïla Chaix, Nicolas Combet, Théophile Johnson, Thomas Johnson, Aurélie William-Levaux, Anaïs Nony
Published in march 2021
French edition
28 x 33 cm
164 pages
ISBN: 978-2-9554714-3-2