Bruno Decharme collection & cie
Could “raw photography” be classified as art brut (“raw art”), as defined by Jean Dubuffet? If so, it would include shots, prints, photomontages and photo collages created by self-taught artists, developed outside of conventional art circles, in contexts such as mental institutions, solitude and marginality, both in cities and rural areas. Photo|Brut presents more than 500 works from the Bruno Decharme collection, as well as a selection of other institutional and private collections chosen for their complementarity. This exhibition addresses four central themes (“Private Affairs”, “Reformating the world”, “Performing, or another I”, “Warding off the reality”) and its aim is to grasp and introduce this art form to the public, art brut being a concept studied by few despite its significant and fascinating field.
Flammarion (with the support of Fondation Antoine de Galbert)
Authors: Paula Aisemberg, Bruno Decharme, Phillip March Jones, Camille Paulhan, Lucienne Peiry, Valérie Rousseau, Barbara Safarova, Sam Stourdzé, Michel Thévoz, Richard-Max Tremblay, Brian Wallis
Published in 2019
French edition 24.5 x 28.5 cm
322 pages, 600 illustrations
ISBN: 9782081490802