Olivier Blanckart
Un certain désordre #4
The monographs in this collection titled Un certain désordre are published by the Antoine de Galbert Foundation. Each book features numerous reproductions of artworks alongside a text written by the artist him or herself. There were no rules for the choice of artists.
The fourth volume of this collection is dedicated to the artist Olivier Blanckart.
Olivier Blanckart, born in France in 1959, is a self-taught artist, sculptor, photographer, critic, teacher, and willingly provocative polemicist. He is also an actor, staging shots that represent him in the guise of historical characters, murderers or poets, since the only thing of interest to him is his subjects’ degree of notoriety. By its scale, the gallery of portraits he has been developing for many years has become an unmissable work.
Collection Un certain désordre by Fondation Antoine de Galbert
Author: Olivier Blanckart
Published in november 2022
Bilingual edition english/french
17,5 x 21,5 cm
96 pages
ISBN: 978-2-9571947-3-5