Mémoires du futur
Thomas Olbricht collection
Out of print
This eighth volume in La maison rouge’s private collection series is devoted to a German collector. Thomas Olbricht, from Essen, is unusual in so far as his collection combines items from a typical Renaissance cabinet of curiosities (Wunderkammer) with art by old masters and contemporary works on universal themes (such as death, religion, and the body). The exhibition at La maison rouge in 2011 is designed to present a portrait of this original, demanding collector who blithely mingles internationally famous artists with young unknowns through a selection of over 240 items from his collection, ranging from paintings, to installations and sculptures, vintage and contemporary photography and venerable objets d’art.
Co-edition La maison rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert – Fage Editions
Authors: Annabelle Gugnon, Rainer Metzger, Damien Sausset, Virginie Spenlé
Published in 2011
Bilingual edition (english/french)
16.0 x 22.0 cm
264 pages, 202 illustrations
ISBN: 9782849752487