Hervé Ingrand
Le Gros Rouge
Published for the “Le Gros Rouge” exhibition at SHED – site Gresland in 2022.
“We expect a catalog to propose hypotheses for reading the work (if not an ordering of reality) which, without betraying its complexity, can still be assimilated by the minds of readers. As Éric de Chassey, Vimala Pons and Marianne Derrien point out, this is an ambitious ambition. For Hervé Ingrand is a player, and in the same paradoxical movement that animates his work, he can explain and lose you in the meanders of Le Gros Rouge. Indeed, everything circulates, nothing remains, and so it would be wrong to write that the work “contains”: Hervé Ingrand’s work is rather the space for an exchange of images and signs, across time, genres or styles – in short, a whole painting that he embraces and shares with joy.”
SHED edition (with the support of Fondation Antoine de Galbert)
Texts by Julie Faitot, Eric de Chassey, Marianne Derrien, Vimala Pons
Published in 2023
French edition