Hendrik Hegray
G.P.P.E 6
Gorge Profonde Pudeur Extrême is a series of publications conceived by artist Hendrik Hegray and produced mainly in reprographics, following an intensive practice of self-publishing and fanzine collaborations with publishers specializing in micro-publishing (FLTMSPTC, Orbe, Nieves, Shobo Shobo, etc.). The initial material comes from personal archives (drawings, graphic creations), to which are added, through an appropriative gesture, other types of documents from mass culture or vernacular photography. This editorial ensemble thwarts the formatting traditionally associated with serial logic, so that each issue is different from the previous one, while at the same time forming part of a continuity, that of an imaginary both collective and intimate – that to which the title refers – and of a personal, intuitive and spontaneous aesthetic gesture.
This sixth issue is published to accompany the monographic exhibition Tout Smoke in March-April 2023.
Edition Les Bains-Douches (with the support of fondation Antoine de Galbert)
Published in March 2023
14,5 x 20 cm
160 pages
ISBN: 978-2-492179-01-3