Eugen Gabritschevsky (1893-1979)
This publication accompanies the first major exhibition of Eugen Gabritschevsky’s work, shown at La maison rouge in Paris, the Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne, and the American Folk Art Museum in New York from 2016 to 2017. It comprises more than two hundred color reproductions of works (including his early works in charcoal), in-depth essays, a detailed chronology illustrated by previously unpublished photographs, and a bibliography. This reference book on the artist offers an illuminating overview of Gabritschevsky’s rich and fertile intellectual and creative contributions.
Co-edition La maison rouge – Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris – Snoeck
Authors: Annie Le Brun, Sarah Lombardi, Pascale Jeanneret, Valérie Rousseau, Antoine de Galbert and Noëlig Le Roux
Published in 2016
French edition and English edition
16.5 x 23.5 cm
128 pages, 123 illustrations
ISBN: 978-94-6161-296-0