L’esprit français
Countercultures 1969-1989
by Guillaume Désanges and François Piron
Out of print
From Narrative Figuration to the hardcore graphics of Bazooka, from Les Editions Champ Libre to the first «radios libres» (a form of pirate radio), from Hara-Kiri to Bérurier Noir, the exhibition looks at the formation of a critical, irreverent, dissenting «French spirit» by proposing a multitude of crossovers and affinities. Through some sixty artists and over seven hundred works and documents, spanning newspapers, flyers, posters, and extracts from films, videos and television shows, it purposely looks to other creative «genres» than those generally in the spotlight of contemporary art.
Co-edition La maison rouge – Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris – La Découverte
Authors: Philippe Artières, Thibaud Croisy, François Cusset, Alexandre Devaux, Fabienne Dumont, Julien Hage, Antoine Idier, Nathalie Quintane, Kantuta Quiros et Aliocha Imhoff, Elisabeth Lebovici, Olivier Marboeuf, Peggy Pierrot, Sarah Wilson
Published in 2017
French edition
18.0 x 25.0 cm
320 pages
ISBN: 9782707193995